Thursday, April 22, 2010

23rd April

Just spent over two hours (that I DON'T HAVE!) apparently NOT creating a glog. Well, I did, twice. Lost it once then actually saved and published it, only to find that I hadn't registered yet (which took way too long as well) - and when I DID successfully register - I have "Not created any glogs yet". I know it will be in cyber-space somewhere! But, altho I jot down MANY things whilst on computer, I didn;t record the Glog number I was given on publication.

MAYBE I'll spend another hour or two sometime recreating a glog so that I can tick off Thing #14.... but, truth be told... as I can't get Japanese script to "stick" (You can write in it, but it won't stay on the screen when you push OK), I'm not likely to use this with my students anyhow...

AND, I'm now miles behind the millions of other things I'm doing today, including coordinating/conducting/sargent -majoring 3 primary school choirs to sing at an ANZAC service. That's 100 kids (like hearding cats....) Must run.
I'll hopefully try again

1 comment:

  1. Oh no!!! I wonder if there's a place that lost pages go to in cyberspace, much like lost socks?

    Glogster offer an education version as well - much easier to keep track of ;) Kids like it because their glogs look so magazine-like. I like it because I make them record their voice (any chance to get them speaking!!)
